onsdag 17 mars 2010


Den åttonde mars finns en artikel på Fatahs hemsida med anledning av internationella kvinnodagen.
Fatah hedrar palestinska kvinnor, bland dem jungfru Maria, de kvinnliga martyrerna (självmordsbombare m.m.), fångar, palestinska kämpar som blivit modeller för självuppoffring.

Fatah proud of Palestinian women:Fighters, Martyrs and the Virgin Mary (PMW)
Turning Virgin Mary and Jesus from Judeans (Jews) into "Palestinians" is a basic part of the Palestinian Authority's revision of history. The PA leadership has for years been attempting to create a Palestinian-Islamic history in the Land of Israel. This is not an alternative interpretation of modern history; rather, it is an invented history from long before Islam was founded (610 CE) and long before the Romans tried to sever Jewish ties to the Land of Israel/Judea by renaming it "Palestine" in the year 135 CE. Although historically meaningless, turning Jesus and the Virgin Mary into Palestinians is a repeating theme of PA historical revision.

Mer om hur palestinierna omskriver historien och också gör Jesus till en palestinsk profet som predikar islam nedan.
Den palestinska historieförfalskningen är en delorsak till att palestinierna reagerar så våldsamt när Israel bygger upp en gammal synagoga (Hurvasynagogan) eller vill bevara judiska historiska minnesmärken (Patriarkernas grav och Rakels grav). De judiska minnesmärkena bevisar nämligen att den palestinska versionen är lögn.

Rewriting history
Rewriting the history of the Land of Israel in order to deny Israel's right to exist is central to Palestinian Authority (PA) policy. Long before it started the Terror War in 2000, the PA was fighting a history war – erasing Jewish history and replacing it with a fabricated Palestinian history. This rewriting has two central goals:
1- Erase the Jewish nation's 3,000 year history in the Land of Israel;2- Invent ancient Palestinian, Muslim and Arab histories in the land.The goal of this historical revision as a political strategy was first expressed publicly at a conference of Palestinian historians in 1998, when rewriting history was linked to the political goal of denying Israel's right to exist:
"Dr. Yussuf Alzamili [Chairman History Department, Khan Yunis Educational College] called on all universities and colleges to write the history of Palestine and to guard it, and not to enable the [foreign] implants and enemies to distort it or to legitimize the existence of Jews on this land... [History lecturer Abu Amar] clarified that there is no connection between the ancient generation of Jews and the new generation." [Al-Ayyam, Dec. 4, 1998]. Erasing Jewish history in the land of Israel is followed by the PA’s invention of ancient and modern histories that support its political ideology and claim to the land of Israel. The Holocaust and other aspects of Jewish history are alternately denied, downplayed or distorted. Another distortion is to hide from Palestinians that Jesus was a Jew who lived in the Land of Judea/Israel. PA leaders repeatedly define Jesus as a Palestinian who preached Islam, thus denying not only Jewish history, but also the history and legitimacy of Christianity.Citing numerous examples, this section will document that these and other historical revisions are an integral part of Palestinian policy and are used to create political ideology.

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