tisdag 4 januari 2011

Egypten - kristna - Israel

Egypten och Israel har ett fredsavtal men det råder inget hjärtligt förhållande mellan parterna. Åtminstone får man det intrycket när man läser om hur man i Egypten beskyller Israel för de mest underliga saker.
När hajar angrep turister vid egyptiska turistanläggningar för en tid sedan påstods det att det var Israel som skickat hajarna.
Nu framförs det anklagelser att det var Israel som stod bakom bombattacken mot kyrkan i Alexandria. (Trots att myndigheterna söker de skyldiga bland Al-Qaida sympatisörer)

Egyptian lawyers blame Israel for church bombing
"A coalition of Egyptian lawyers accused Israel of being behind an terror attack in Alexandria that killed 22 members of the Christian Copt sect attending midnight mass on New Year's eve, Army Radio reported Monday."The Mossad carried out the the operation in a natural reaction to the latest uncovering of an Israeli espionage network," the lawyers accused at a rally in memory of the victims, organized by the Egyptian Bar Association, according to the report.
At the gathering, aid to former Egyptian foreign minister Abdallah al-Ashal called for Cairo to reconsider its relations with Jerusalem, according to Army Radio."

I följande artikel finns flera exempel på hur Israel utpekas som skyldig av olika muslimska grupper
Islamists ‘build their scapegoat’ for church bombing

I en ledare i Jerusalem Post behandlas de kristna kopternas situation i Egypten. Texten innehåller en del bakkgrundsfakta som beskriver den besvärliga situationen för kristna i Egypten.
The plight of the Copts
"On Saturday, just after midnight, as worshipers emerged from a New Year’s mass at Alexandria’s Saints Church, a powerful explosion, probably from a suicide bomber, killed at least 21 and wounded around 100.President Hosni Mubarak, who denounced the attack, said it was the work of a foreign terrorist group. However, Copts, who took to the streets and rioted to protest the attack, claimed Muslim Egyptians were behind the explosion. Preliminary investigations found that the explosives for the bomb, which had been filled with nails and ball bearings, had been made locally.
At least two instances of blatant incitement proceeded the attack, not including the foreboding precedent from a year ago in which eight Copts were gunned down by Islamists as they left Church following Christmas mass.Last month, a threat appeared on the website of an al- Qaida-affiliated terrorist group called the Islamic State of Iraq, which claimed responsibility for an attack on a Syrian Catholic church in October that killed about 60 people. The group vowed to attack a Coptic church for holding two Coptic women who had allegedly converted to Islam.In September, meanwhile, Al-Jazeera TV broadcast a two-hour program called Without Limits that accused the Coptic Church of hiding Israeli weapons and ammunition in monasteries and churches, purportedly in preparation for a war “against the Muslims” that would lead to the creation of an autonomous Coptic state.The only evidence mustered to support these claims was an incident in mid-August, in which the son of a priest in Port Said was falsely accused of smuggling weapons from Israel. The contraband turned out to be Chinese-made fireworks. Nevertheless, the man is being held by Egypt’s immensely powerful State Security...." Läs hela artikeln här.

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