tisdag 1 mars 2011

Palestinierna arg på USA - vägrar ta emot hjälp

Ett nytt bevis på att de palestinska ledarna inte bryr sig speciellt mycket om den egna befolkningen:
Efter att USA lade in sitt veto mot en resolution som skulle ha fördömt israeliskt byggande i Judéen, Samarien och delar av Jerusalem har palestinska myndigheter i 28 "kommuner" på västbanken belutat bojkotta USA. Bojkotten kommer att fortsätta tills USA ändrar sin politik och ber det palestinska folket om ursäkt.
Det betyder bl.a. att man vägrar ta emot hjälp och understöd från amerikanska organisationer. Vem drabbas? Naturligtvis vanliga invånare på västbanken.
Man kan förstå att det kan vara svårt att få igång förhandlingar med ledare som resonerar på dethär sättet.

Palestinian Media Watch:

It should be noted that the "bit of aid" that the PA is rejecting totaled more than half a billion dollars in 2010 alone [Hillary Clinton speech, Nov. 10, 2010, US State Dept. website]. The PA boycott of American "so-called assistance" will impact significantly on the 28 PA municipalities. The following is just one example of US aid listed on the USAID website under "Water Resources and Infrastructure/ EJP - Emergency Jobs Program":
"Successes : Completed 201 construction activities... Generated more than 350,000 person-days of employment benefiting approximately 1.5 million Palestinians. Graduated 117 Fellows from the Engineering Fellows Program... -Completed four women's centers... with a combined budget of $658,400, generating 6,700 days of employment. Completed a girls' school... one of 15 girls' schools completed throughout the West Bank through EJP with a budget of $428,997, generating 3,495 days of employment. Completed five youth club projects to... benefit more than 38,900 youth and have a combined budget of $2,608,675, generating 19,610 days of employment to date... EJP completed nine health clinic renovations and new construction projects impacting 86,093 beneficiaries with a combined budget of $319,894, generating 5,797 days of employment to date... Life of Project: 09/30/2007-01/30/2011; Total Estimated Cost: $34,000,000." As stated, this list is just one of many listings of the "bit of aid" and "so-called assistance" the US is currently giving to the PA.

28 PA municipalities boycott US aid PA: The American administration "cannot extort the Palestinian people and humiliate it with a bit of aid"

Abbas: $460 million in US aid"does not mean they dictate to us whatever they want"PA leaders and official media attack Obama and the USfollowing US veto of UN resolution

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