måndag 11 april 2011

Fördömande och stöd för terrorism

Palestinian Media Watch visar i sina senaste bulletiner hur de palestinska ledarna, president Abbas och premiärminister Fayyad, fördömer terrorism när de talar till israeler, men prisar terrorister när de talar till palestinierna.

Abbas:Utan tvekan, jag är emot det. Jag fördömer denna åtgärd (att man namngav ett torg efter en terrorist, Mughrabi)

Samme Abbas : Naturligtvis vill vi namnge ett torg efter henne... Vi genomförde en militär aktion, kan jag då senare förneka allt vad vi gjort?

Abbas's duplicity about his support for honoring terrorist Dalal Mughrabi

: På eftermiddagen fördömer han terrorattacken mot en buss i Jerusalem men samma förmiddag hedrade han självmordsbombare.

Fayyad's duplicity about support for terroron day of Jerusalem bombing
Fayyad condemned Jerusalem bombing Wednesday afternoon: "I condemn this terror operation in the harshest terms,no matter who stands behind it.

"Fayyad praised Palestinian terrorists Wednesday morning: "I will not fail to mention with honor and admiration the resolve of the female prisoners, the fighters, and of all the prisoners of freedom who are imprisoned in the Israeli prisons, experiencing indescribable suffering. This requires that all of us intensify the effort to ensure their liberation from the occupation's chains and from the abuse of its [Israel's] executioners."
In a radio speech,

Fayyad then specifically named the following terrorists:
Qahira Al-Sa'adi, who drove suicide bomber to attack killing 3 in Jerusalem in 2002.
Irena Sarahneh, who drove suicide bomber to attack killing 2 and injuring dozens, in Israeli city Rishon LeZion in 2002. Iman Ghazawi, who in 2001 placed a bomb at the central bus station in Tel Aviv that was discovered before it exploded. Latifa Abu Zara'a, who in 2003 smuggled a bomb into Israel for suicide terror attack that was uncovered before it was implemented.

PA honors terrorist serving 30 life sentences for Passover murders

PA minister visits family of terrorist who planned Passover Seder bombing that killed 30 Israelis

PA Minister of Prisoners' Affairsand Fatah movementcontinue to glorify female terrorists

One third of Palestinians support murder of five Israelis in their home
A joint Israeli-Palestinian poll has found that a third of Palestinians surveyed said that they supported the attack in which five members of an Israeli family were stabbed to death last month.

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