söndag 2 oktober 2011

Iran fortsätter hota Israel

Iranska ledare tillsammans med Hamasledaren Khaled Mashaal gjorde vi en konferens i Teheran ännu en gång klart att deras målsättning är att förinta Israel.
Enligt Mashaal är "motsånd"(= våld) enda möjligheten att befria Palestina.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei motsatte sig en tvåstatslösning eftersom det enligt honom skulle vara en kapitulation för sionismen. Alla planer på att dela Palestina måste därför förkastas.
Alla lösningar som accepterar Israels existens måste avvisas eftersom Israel utgör en cancertumör som hotar hela Mellanöstern.

Khamenei rejects two states, calls Israel 'cancerous'

Ett exempel på vem som är ett verkligt hot i Mellanöstern:
Iran hotar avrätta kristen pastor
Youcef Nadarkhani konverterade från islam till kristendom för över tio år sedan. Han har varit ledare för en församling med omkring 400 medlemmar. Han hotas nu av avrättning eftersom han övergivit islam.

Tehran to execute Christian pastor for ‘apostasy' (Jerusalem Post)
"United States, British governments have condemned the planned execution, call on Iran to waive the death penalty for Nadarkhani.
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BERLIN – An Iranian Christian cleric on death row because of his conversion years ago from Islam prompted the United States and British governments last week to condemn the planned execution and call on Tehran to waive the death penalty.Youcef Nadarkhani, who is believed to be either 32 or 34 years old, converted to Christianity at the age of 19. Iranian authorities incarcerated him in 2009 because he questioned Islam as the dominant form of religious instruction in Iran and registered his church in the northwestern city of Rasht.

In 2010, Nadarkhani was convicted based on apostasy charges for abandoning Islam.British Foreign Secretary William said last week: “I deplore reports that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian church leader, could be executed imminently after refusing an order by the Supreme Court of Iran to recant his faith. This demonstrates the Iranian regime’s continued unwillingness to abide by its constitutional and international obligations to respect religious freedom.”Hague continued, “I pay tribute to the courage shown by Pastor Nadarkhani, who has no case to answer, and call on the Iranian authorities to overturn his sentence.”US White House spokesman Jay Carney said, “A decision to impose the death penalty would further demonstrate the Iranian authorities’ utter disregard for religious freedom, and highlight Iran’s continuing violation of the universal rights of its citizens.”Nadarkhani, a father of two young children, ministered to a congregation of 400 Christians before he was imprisoned in 2009.Nadarkhani’s lawyer said, “The judge kept asking my client to say: ‘I have renounced Christianity and I recognize Islam’... and he kept saying, ‘I won’t say that,” the online International Business Times reported on Thursday...."

Här finns mer uppgifter om hur Iran försöker ändra på anklagelserna mot Nadharkani för att minska på kritiken från utlandet:

Iran: Christian pastor charged with rape, not apostasy

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