torsdag 10 november 2011

Den tredje intifadan är här

Khaled Abu Toameh skriver i sin artikel The Third Intifada Is Here att den tredje intifadan inte rasar i Ramallah eller i Gaza utan på den internationella arenan.
De palestiska myndigheterna försöker få världen att vända sig mot Israel och därmed tvinga Israel till alla de eftergifter som de inte kan gå med på i förhandlingar.
När man talar med palestinska tjänstemän i Ramallah får man det intrycket att de paelstinska myndigheterna är mer intresserad av att straffa Israel än att åstadkomma en stat för sitt folk, skriver Toameh
Läs hela artikel här.
"The Palestinian Authority has reached the conclusion that there is no point in continuing the negotiations with Israel because no Israeli government could give the Palestinians everything they want.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has decided that it is better to negotiate with the UN than with Israel.
He is hoping that the UN will grant him what Israel is refusing to give at the negotiating table.
Palestinian Authority officials are hoping that international pressure will force Israel to its knees. They point out that similar measures forced Apartheid South Africa to eventually succumb to the will of the international community.
Success at the General Assembly, they explain, would pave the way for Palestinian membership in countless UN organizations and agencies, including the International Criminal Court and the World Health Organization.
Once the Palestinian Authority gains membership in these bodies, it is planning to launch a massive diplomatic campaign aimed at isolating Israel in the international arena. The ultimate goal is to seek Israel's expulsion from most UN bodies on the grounds that it is refusing to comply with UN resolutions concerning the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The Palestinian Authority says it wants to use its newly acquired membership in UNESCO to file a number of lawsuits against Israel in international courts and forums for alleged theft and destruction of archeological sites and antiquities in Jerusalem..."

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