tisdag 3 januari 2012

Statistik om Israel

Om du söker fakta om det israeliska samhället hittar du det mesta i denna publikation från israeliska Central Bureau of Statistics.
Läs mera här.
"The Central Bureau of Statistics [CBS] is pleased to present the public with
the booklet “Israel in Figures”, which covers a broad range of topics related
to Israeli demography, society, and economy.
The booklet provides a brief summary of data on Israel. In this limited format,
many topics could not be covered.
The data presented here are updated to 2010, unless otherwise stated.
Some of the figures are rounded.
For more comprehensive information about the country, including detailed
definitions and explanations related to a broad range of topics, please refer
to the Statistical Abstract of Israel No. 62, 2011 and the CBS website
(www.cbs.gov.il) and other CBS publications that deal specifically with the
topic in question.
Jerusalem 2011

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