fredag 2 november 2012

Nytt alternativ för arabiska väljare i parlamentsvalet

Det blir parlamentsval i Israel i början av 2013. Aatef Karinaoui håller på att bilda ett nytt pro-israeliskt arabiskt parti, El Amal Lat’gir, (Hopp om förändring) och hoppas få 5-6 platser i Knesset.
En målsättning som inte kommer att vara lätt att uppnå eftersom de arabiska partierna tillsammans har 11 platser i det nuvarande parlamentet.
Karinaoui vill se ett ökat samarbete mellan judar och araber och han har mycket gott att säga om sitt hemland Israel. Däremot kritiserar han skarpt de nuvarande arabiska medlemmarna i Knesset, de bara ökar på motsättningarna mellan folkgrupperna genom sitt agerande.
Karinaoui säger att han är en stolt arab och israel men inte palestinier.
"Vi behöver en "arabisk vår" här i Israel som riktar sig mot våra arabiska ledare", säger han.
Läs mer om beduinen Aatef Karinaouis tankar om det israeliska samhället här:
A would-be new leader of Israel’s Arabs urges full integration with Israel ( The Times of Israel)

"...Karinaoui gives the impression of a man who believes his time has come. A 42-year-old resident of the Bedouin city of Rahat in the Negev, he is a traditional Muslim but does not consider himself religious. Though involved in politics for nearly two decades, and exceedingly busy preparing his Knesset campaign, he is soft-spoken and patient. In fact, when we recently spoke, in a cafe at Ben Gurion Airport, he repeatedly extended our chat to accommodate my questions — despite the nudging of his staff. And his anger at Israeli Arab politicians, who he says cultivate the division between Jewish and Arab Israelis, clearly runs deep.
“All the bad things they say about Israel and its supposed ill-treatment of Arabs is a lie, a bald-faced lie,” he says intently, just moments after we’ve sat down. “Arab members of Knesset are setting a fire. They feed off of the politics of division and don’t represent the Arab public. The Arab Knesset members do nothing to educate them or advance their situation… But [at present] there is no alternative to the current leadership.”
By forming El Amal Lat’gir, which he says is loyal to Israel and concerned exclusively with social matters, Karinaoui aims to provide that alternative..."

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