tisdag 12 mars 2013

Israels president Peres talade till Europaparlamentet

Israels president Shimon Peres talade idag i Europaparlamentet. Talet kan läsas här:
Address by President Shimon Peres to the European Parliament
 "I propose to the European Union and Israel to cooperate for the benefit of stability and prosperity in the Middle East, and the developing world at large."

 Någon har sagt att Peres är mer idealist än realist och det ligger kanske något i det.

"Peres, who began his address telling of how most of the inhabitants of the town in which he was born were burned alive in 1942, was indignant that the Iranians continue to deny the Holocaust while calling for another one.
"Had my family delayed their emigration by eight years, we would have been exterminated," said Peres"

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