onsdag 20 mars 2013

Obama i Israel

Se live TV-sändningar från Obamas besök i Israel här.

Jerusalem Post om besöket:
Obama: Israel's founding an unparalleled story of redemption
 "...Obama spoke of the Jewish people's 3,000 year-old connection to the land, stating that the founding of the State of Israel was a tale of redemption "unlike any other in history."

 Live blog: Obama visits Israel

Här skall Obama bo i Jerusalem
Service fit for a king
"Jerusalem’s vaunted King David Hotel prepares to host another US president, sparing no expense – including an all-kosher menu."

 Här kan man se foton från besöket.

Obamas tal vid ankomsten till Israel 
Remarks by President Obama at arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport
"...I'm so honored to be here as you prepare to celebrate the 65th anniversary of a free and independent State of Israel. Yet I know that in stepping foot on this land, I walk with you on the historic homeland of the Jewish people.  
More than 3,000 years ago, the Jewish people lived here, tended the land here, prayed to God here. And after centuries of exile and persecution, unparalleled in the history of man, the founding of the Jewish State of Israel was a rebirth, a redemption unlike any in history.
Today, the sons of Abraham and the daughters of Sarah are fulfilling the dream of the ages - to be "masters of their own fate" in "their own sovereign state." And just as we have for these past 65 years, the United States is proud to stand with you as your strongest ally and your greatest friend..."

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