söndag 30 juni 2013

Mer om sommarläger för barn i Gaza

Österbottens Tidning uppmärksammade i dag i en artikel (FNB-AFP) stridsutbildningen för barn på sommarlägren i Gaza.  Jihad utbildar pojkar till soldater på sommarläger
I artikeln beskrivs utbildningen vid ett läger ordnat av Islamsk Jihad.
Programmet vid Hamas sommarläger beskrivs som mindre krigisk.

Här finns lite mera information om verksamheter som Hamas ordnar för barn:
Sommarläger för barn i Gaza

Training Children for Terror: Hamas Summer Camps Aim to Indoctrinate Youth

Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas prime minister, declared on Hamas Al-Aqsa TV that:
“These summer camps emphasize that the Islamic enterprise, the Palestinian enterprise and the human Arabic enterprise are on the rise, in a state of renewal and in a state of victory, great and powerful, and that the Zionist enterprise is in its regression, decline and weakening,  along with all of its allies and those who stand at its side. There is no future for the Zionist entity on the soil of Palestine. I say that it does not suffice to say that we do not recognize Israel. Rather, we say this with a shout and as a slogan during the summer camps [of the ‘Generation] of Return’: There is no future for Israel on the soil of Palestine!”
Hamas Forces Schoolchildren Into Terrorist Weapons Training

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