onsdag 13 november 2013

Om bosättningarna och deras laglighet

En artikel som förklarar varför Kerry har fel när han påstår att judisk bosättning i Judéen och Samarien / Västbanken är olaglig. Författaren Alan Baker var tidigare Israels ambassadör i Kanada och medverkade i förhandlingarna med palestinierna under Osloprocessen.

Kerry is mistaken on settlements 
 "US Secretary of State John Kerry’s repeated assertions that “Israel’s settlements are illegitimate,” which he reiterated most recently in a November 6 interview with Israel’s Channel 2 television, are legally and factually mistaken. Publicly reasserting them, in fact, prejudges and even undermines the very negotiations Secretary Kerry has been brokering between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

Pursuant to the “Oslo Accords,” and specifically the 1995 Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement, the “issue of settlements” is one of the “core issues” to be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations between the parties.

President Bill Clinton, on behalf of the United States, is signatory as witness to that agreement, together with the leaders of the EU, Russia, Egypt, Jordan and Norway.

In fact, there is no requirement in any of the signed agreements between Israel and the PA that either side cease or freeze settlement activity until the final disposition of those disputed territories is negotiated between the sides. The opposite is in fact the case...

...Notably, Israel is the only country in the 193 member UN General Assembly whose rights to sovereignty in the territory west of the Jordan river were twice affirmed last century, first as part of the Mandate for Palestine by the League of Nations and then by its successor organization, the United Nations, via its founding charter.

Today, while Israel’s territorial rights are in force, its vibrant democracy continues to debate what concessions of its rights are possible in the framework of peace negotiations..."

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