torsdag 19 december 2013

Kanada kräver Israelhataren Falks avgång (Uppdaterad)

Kanada kräver att Richard Falk avskedas från sin post som FN:s mänskorättsråds specialrapportör angående mänskliga rättigheter på de palestinska områdena.
Falk är känd för att hata Israel till den grad att han totalt saknar förmåga att se objektivt på situationer där Israel är inblandat.
Kanada har reagerat på en intervju med Falk i Rysk TV där han anklagar Israel för att sträva till folkmord av palestinierna.

Uppdaterad: Även USA kräver Falks avgång. 

Canada calls for dismissal of Richard Falk for accusing Israel of ‘genocidal’ intentions  (Jerusalem Post)
 "Canada called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to dismiss its special investigator Richard Falk after he accused Israel of “genocidal” intentions against the Palestinians in a brief English language interview on Russian television.
“Canada has previously called for Falk to be fired for his numerous outrageous and anti-Semitic statements and these comments underscore once more the complete and total absurdity of his service as a UN Special Rapporteur,” Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird said in a statement he issued on Monday.
“I call on the United Nations Human Rights Council – once again – to remove Falk from this position immediately,” Baird said. He added that his country rejects Falk’s comments. "

US slams Richard Falk's 'despicable and deeply offensive comments'  (Jerusalem Post)
 “We do not support his mandate or his work, which has been one-sided and biased, nor do we believe he should continue to serve as independent UN rapporteur, and we reiterate our calls for him to step down from this role,” US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday.

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