fredag 14 februari 2014

Rapport om antisemitism 2013

Judar anser att antisemitismen ökar i Europa. Det är inte alltid fråga om direkta våldshandlingar utan ofta utsätts judar för förolämpningar, trakasserier och hot i sin vardag sägs det i en rapport om antisemitismen 2013.

Anti-Semitism in 2013: Trends and Events
 "...At the center of the following report on trends and incidents will be the conclusion that the trend, as felt by the Jews, of rising and worsening anti-Semitism, stems mainly from the severity of the verbal and graphic expressions, the insults, the harassment, and the threats encountered by Jews in their everyday lives, which create a gradually more oppressive atmosphere, and not necessarily from a rise in the number of violent events..."

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