fredag 1 augusti 2014

Vapenvilan bröts nästan genast

I dag klockan 8.00 var det meningen att en 72- timmars vapenvila skulle träda i kraft. Både Israel och Hamas hade accepterat att iaktta vapenvilan.
Vapenvilan höll i 90 minuter, därefter gjorde Hamas ett anfall och dödade 2 israeliska soldater och kidnappade en soldat. Där tog vapenvilan slut och efter det har hårda strider utkämpats med raketbeskjutning och artillerield.

Justitieminister Livni sade såhär om händelsen:“Hamas has paid, and will yet pay a heavy price,” Livni said. Then, in an obvious reference to the fact that the attack took place after Hamas accepted the US and UN brokered cease-fire, Livni added, “If it was not yet clear enough to everyone, now the world knows who is responsible for the destruction and blood” in Gaza"

Också USA har fördömt Hamas brott mot vapenvilan:
"That would be a rather barbaric violation of the cease-fire agreement," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on CNN, and called on Hamas to release the abducted Israeli soldier. Earnest called on Hamas to release the Israeli soldier.
The United States urged the international community to condemn the Hamas cease-fire violation in the "strongest possible terms," Earnest said.

Netanyahu to Kerry: Hamas bears responsibility for consequences of its actions

Hamas fired at IDF forces in southern Gaza at 9:30 this morning in violation of the humanitarian ceasefire. IDF soldier suspected kidnapped. Extensive search underway.
Two IDF soldiers were killed in the suspected kidnapping of 2nd-Lt. Hadar Goldin in Rafah.

Once again, Hamas and the terror organizations in Gaza have violated the ceasefire to which they committed themselves to the UN Secretary-General and US Secretary of State Kerry.

UN special envoy Robert Serry issues statement: He was informed by Israel of "a serious incident this morning" during the truce involving "a tunnel behind IDF lines in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip." If confirmed, "this would constitute a serious violation of the humanitarian ceasefire in place since 8 am this morning by Gazan militant factions, which should be condemned in the strongest terms."
White House press calls the reported kidnapping of an IDF soldier by Hamas a "barbaric violation of ceasefire agreement" negotiated by the United States and United Nations.

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