fredag 24 oktober 2014

Fortsatta oroligheter i Jerusalem

Araberna ställer till med oroligheter i Jerusalem
Under natten kastades stenar,brandbomber och smällare mot judiska hem i gamla stan i Jerusalem.
Igår kastade maskerade män stenar mot ett judiskt daghem i östra Jerusalem och även spårvagnar utsattes för stenkastning.
Hamas uppmanade igår till ökat våld och sammandrabbningar med "ockupationsmakten".
Abbas gjorde ett liknande uttalande för några dagar sedan.

Jerusalem to step up security after second day of violence 

Hamas calls for escalation of violence in Jerusalem (Jerusalem Post)
"Hamas calls on the Palestinian population to escalate clashes with the occupation wherever they  may be, confirming their adherence to the option of resistance by all means and tools until the liberation of the land and people from the Israeli occupation,"  said Hamas's statement on their website."

"...The PA president called on Palestinians to unite and defend Jerusalem, echoing statements by Hamas officials Ismail Radwan and exiled head of the politburo Khaled Mashaal earlier Friday and Thursday.
Abbas was speaking at a conference in the West Bank town of Ramallah after a spate of clashes this week since a Monday confrontation between Palestinian youths and Israeli police.
He insisted that defending al-Aqsa was tantamount to defending Jerusalem, which the Palestinians are demanding as the capital of their future state.
“Jerusalem is the jewel in the crown and it is the eternal capital of the Palestinian state. Without it, there will not be a state,” he said.
“It is important for the Palestinians to be united in order to protect Jerusalem,” he added."

"... To understand what drives a young Palestinian to carry out such a deadly attack, one needs to look at the statements of Palestinian Authority leaders during the past few weeks.
The anti-Israel campaign of incitement reached its peak with Abbas's speech at the UN a few weeks ago, when he accused Israel of waging a "war of genocide" in the Gaza Strip. Abbas made no reference to Hamas's crimes against both Israelis and Palestinians. Whatever his motives, it is clear that the man who carried out the most recent attack, was influenced by the messages that Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership have been sending their people..."

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