onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Islamska stater upprörda över att väst bojkottade anti-israelisk FN-session

FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter har en permanent punkt på sitt program där man tar upp Israel till behandling. Israel är den enda staten som behandlas på detta sätt.
Vid den senaste behandlingen var de flesta väststaterna frånvarande, även EU staterna. Detta föll inte de islamska staterna i smaken.
Representanten för den "Palestinska staten" konstaterade att Israel är världens största förbrytare när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter.
Bland "mänskorättskämparna" som beklagade sig över västvärldens agerande fanns Iran, Pakistan och Saudiarabien
Arab states outraged as EU walks out on anti-Israel UN debate (UN Watch)
The State of Palestine expressed its disappointment at Israel’s decision not to participate in this agenda item of the Council. The occupation and numerous human rights violations by Israel for the last 47 years made Israel the world’s biggest violator of human rights.
United Arab Emirates for the Arab Group expressed extreme discontent about the European Union’s decision to boycott this agenda item.
Iran for the Non-Aligned Movement condemned in the strongest terms the violations of human rights as a result of Israel’s military aggression against Palestine. The Non-Aligned Movement was deeply disappointed by the decision of certain states to cease their participation in this agenda item.
Pakistan for the Islamic Group expressed deep disappointment that certain member states of the Western European and Others Group had ceased their participation under agenda item 7 which was particularly disturbing in the light of the latest Israeli behavior.
Saudi Arabia condemned the actions of Israel, including the recent violations in Gaza. Saudi Arabia said it saw that an increasing number of States were insisting on boycotting agenda item 7 and were calling for it to be moved into item 2 or 3, which was proof of double standards concerning Israel. Item 7 was a fundamental agenda item of the Council which would stand until Israeli occupation and impunity ended.

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