söndag 28 december 2014

Hamas låter barnen lida igen

Hamas har förhindrat 37 föräldralösa barn att lämna Gaza för att åka på en rekreationsresa till västbanken och Israel.Hamas motiverar beslutet med att det var för att skydda barnen från en kultur av normalisering med Israel.
Hamas bars Gaza children bereaved in war from visiting Israel (Jerusalem Post)
"... The Hamas Interior Ministry claimed that a Fatah-affiliated group in the Gaza Strip had organized the visit.
Eyad al-Bazam, spokesman for the ministry, said that Hamas security forces prevented 37 sons of Palestinian “martyrs” from visiting “Zionist settlements inside the 1948 occupied lands.”
He said that the ban was aimed at “preserving the culture of our children and people and protecting them against the policy of normalization (with Israel).”

" I have to say that Eyad Bozum is absolutely right. If they want to prevent normalizing relations with Israel — if they want to prevent peace — then by all means they should continue to prevent feelings of goodwill and understanding. They should continue to frustrate their people, foster suffering and educate them with anger and hate, so that they can ‘protect’ their culture from ever accepting the nation that lives next door.
But if — and I know, it’s a big ‘if’ — any of them should decide that perhaps this path of destruction is not such a great path after all, we are all here waiting just on the other side of the fence…"

Galenskap nummer två: 
Jerusalem Post skriver att på palestinska sociala media sprids en video som lär ut hur man effektivast skadar sitt offer genom knivhuggning.
Videon skall ha producerats av sympatisörer till Hamas.

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