torsdag 24 september 2015

Palestinska ledare uppmanar till våld - Israel får skulden

De palestinska ledarna fortsätter att uppvigla folket till oroligheter på Tempelberget.
Samtidigt vägrar Jordaniens kung att tala med Israels premiärminister för att lugna ner situationen.
Kungen lär vara sur för att det från Israel kommit anklagelser om att Jordanien har del i oroligheternas på grund av att de tillåtit att vapen lagrats i Al-Aqsa moskén.
Jordanien har också anklagat Israel för provokationer på Tempelberget och varnat för att det kommer att få allvarliga konsekvenser.

Här några filmklipp och bilder på de verkliga provokationerna från de palestinska ledarna:
Denhär karikatyrteckningen kommer från webbsidan för Fatahs kulturavdelning.

In a cartoon published on the website of Fatah's Information and Culture Commission, Israel is portrayed as an Islamic State executioner dressed in black with a Star of David on his hood and the text “Judaization” across his robe. The executioner is swinging an axe, about to decapitate a Palestinian whose head is the Dome of the Rock. The Palestinian is resting his head on a sleeping chopping block labelled “the international disregard.” [Website of Fatah's Information and Culture Commission, Sept. 19, 2015]

 PA and Fatah officials behind Jerusalem terror
 "[Fatah official] Nabil Shaath... called on the Palestinian
and Arab masses to carry out riots of rage"

Fatah spokesman: "Go to the areas of conflict
in order to 'explode' in front of the occupier and its assistants"

Mahmoud Abbas: "We will not sit idly by
in the face of these attacks"

Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein
"concluded with a call to Fatah movement members...
[to] carry out widespread public uprisings,
in order to make the enemy pay a price for its actions
'because the hand that will be raised
against the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] will be amputated.'"

Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman: "East Jerusalem and the places
holy to Islam and Christianity are a red line,
and we will not sit idly by"

“[Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli extreme right are acting to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, not only to divide it by times and areas... They want to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the alleged Temple on the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
[Official PA TV, Sept. 15, 2015]

“The most important thing in Jerusalem is the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is being subjected to Judaization and division by times and areas, and moreover to destruction in order to build the alleged Temple.”
[Official PA TV, Sept. 14, 2015]

Yesterday, Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas described Jews on the Temple Mount as "filth":
"The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours... and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem."
[Official PA TV, Sept. 16, 2015
and official website 
of PA Chairman Abbas, Sept. 16, 2015]
In his speech, parts of which were broadcast on official PA TV and posted on his personal website, Abbas also glorified Palestinians fighting against Israel in Jerusalem who are killed in the fighting. Abbas promised that Allah will reward those who "will not allow" Jews to "defile" Jerusalem:
"We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood, blood spilled for Allah, Allah willing. Every Martyr (Shahid) will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah."

Senior Israeli official: World needs to see through Abbas's 'charade'

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