torsdag 3 september 2015

PLO varnar journalister för att besöka Tempelberget

PLO varnar journalister för att besöka Tempelberget ifall besöket är arrangerat av Israel.
PLO vill tydligen att journalister som besöker Tempelberget skall matas med palestinsk historieförfalskning ("det har aldrig funnits något judiskt tempel i Jerusalem") och man vill inte heller att journalister skall använda namnet Tempelberget om Tempelberget.
I uttalandet säger PLO också att Tempelberget (Al-Aqsa moskén) och  Gamla stan i Jerusalem är en del av den ockuperade palestinska staten i enlighet med interntionell lag och FN resolutioner.
Som den terroristorganisation PLO är vet de tydligen ingenting om internationell lag och Jerusalem eller så struntar de i vad lagen säger.

PLO Intimidates Media Over Temple Mount Tours (Honest Reporting)
It has been brought to the attention of the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department that there is an ongoing attempt by Israeli governmental and non-governmental organizations to organize visits to the sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, with a focus on foreign media. We hereby urge the foreign press not to accept or participate in tours that are part of Israel’s campaign to change the historical narrative of Occupied East Jerusalem, and particularly its religious sites.

 Advisory to Journalists Visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound

Palestine Liberation Organization
Negotiations Affairs Department)

...By participating in these tours, foreign media is legitimizing and encouraging the daily violations committed by Israeli Occupation Forces against Palestinians, including incitement, hate speech, the denial of freedom of worship at Muslim and Christian holy sites, as well as denial of the presence, identity, and traditions of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in the occupied Palestinian capital.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, as with the Old City of Jerusalem as a whole, is an integral part of the Occupied State of Palestine in accordance with International law and UN resolutions.
We urge the international media not to be indirectly complicit in these acts by participating in unauthorized tours and incorrect language aimed at changing the historical narrative of Jerusalem.

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