söndag 20 september 2015

Raketer från Gaza

Två raketer sköts mot Israel från Gaza fredag kväll. En av raketerna slog ner i Sderot, det var första gången sedan senaste sommars konflikt som Sderot besköts. Ingen verkar ha skadats i attacken.
Den andra raketen sköts mot Ashkelon, den sköts ner av Iron Dome raketförsvaret. Det var också första gången på ett år som Iron Dome kom till användning.
Det antas att raketerna sköts av en mindre salafistgrupp i Gaza som är allierad med IS.
Det antas att Hamas för tillfället inte vill han någon större konflikt med Israel men det är oroväckande att Hamas inte klarar av att kontrollera de beväpnade grupper som finns i Gaza. I fall dessa grupper fortsätter att trotsa Hamas och beskjuta Israel kan utvecklingen leda till ett nytt krig som varken Israel eller Hamas vill ha.
En analys av läget kan läsas här:
Analysis: Rocket fire from Gaza shows Hamas's weakness and Israel's lack of options  (Jerusalem Post)
" On the one hand, the rocket fire on Sderot and Ashkelon bares witness to the fact that Hamas's control over the Gaza Strip has weakened. On the other hand, Israel's response shows that Jerusalem's practical options are limited.

Since the end of Operation Protective Edge some 13 months ago, 14 rockets and mortar shells have been fired at Israel by the Islamic Jihad and small Salafi terror groups, some of which identify with Islamic State. Five of the attacks, including those on Friday, occurred in the past month-and-a-half. There were a few other rockets that failed and fell within Gaza territory. This is the smallest number of rockets fired from Gaza at Israel in any of the periods between the three Gaza operations that have been waged since 2008 (Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense and Protective Edge)...

... In Israel, the estimate is that Salafi organizations carried out both attacks, despite the fact that no organization claimed responsibility for the rocket fired at Sderot. The Salafi organization, the 'Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigades,' which identifies with Islamic State, claimed responsibility on its Twitter account for the rocket fired at Ashkelon.

The rocket fired at Ashkelon was a Grad (an advanced Katyusha), showing that the small organization has improved its operational capabilities. Another conclusion is that the Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigades and similar Salafist organizations, which are multiplying in Gaza, are not afraid to challenge Hamas's rule. And this is despite the harsh response from Hamas, which does not hesitate to arrest operatives of these organizations and in some cases to assassinate them. The boldness of the Salafi groups actions and their increased strength and presence is a bad sign for Hamas - but also a bad sign for Israel..."

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