tisdag 24 november 2015

Abbas, som EU vill att alla skall ställa sig bakom!

I den här artikeln i The Times of Israel får du en bild av Abbas och hans kumpaner. Det är en obeskrivlig skam att EU ställer sig bakom Abbas.
Det finns inte ord som man kan skriva för att beskriva honom. Det är obegripligt hur någon så kan förneka verkligheten och inte ta något som helst ansvar för vad som händer.

 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday repeated two of his accusations against Israel that have drawn a furious response over the past few months — that the Jewish state is seeking to alter the status quo on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that it is carrying out “extrajudicial killings” of those Palestinians perpetrating terror attacks against Israelis. 

 In a statement marking the United Nations’ International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Abbas said he had cautioned against “violations committed by the settlers and extremists under the protection of the Israeli occupying forces against the sanctity of Christian and Muslim holy places in Jerusalem, particularly aimed at changing the historic status quo at Al-Haram Al-Sharif [the Temple Mount] and Al-Aqsa Mosque that existed before the year 1967 and thereafter.”

In his statement to the UN, Abbas also placed the blame for the ongoing wave of Palestinian terror attacks — which have claimed the lives of 19 Israelis, an American yeshiva student, an Eritrean asylum seeker and a Palestinian bystander since October 1 — squarely on Israel.
“The events happening in our country are the result of diminishing hopes, the continued situation of strangulation, siege and pressure, and the lack of sense of security and safety felt by our people. All of these factors generate tremendous frustration. The angry uprising of our people and the successive events of the recent period are an inevitable result of what we have cautioned about,” Abbas said, adding that Israel was carrying out “extrajudicial killings” of Palestinian attackers.

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