fredag 29 januari 2016

Hamas och Fatahs krigsförberedelser

Hamas förbereder nästa krig med Israel bland annat genom att reparera de tunnlar  som förstördes i senaste krig. Man berättar naturligtvis inte öppet om arbetet men Hamas medger att åtminstone 7 av dess medlemmar dog när en tunnel rasade på grund av regnvädret de senaste dagarna.
Alla de döda hade enligt Hamas deltagit i ärofulla operationer som förorsakat Israel smärta.

Hamas identifies 7 killed in tunnel collapse

Fatah nöjer sig för tillfället med att visa sitt stöd för terrorattackerna. Abbas rådgivare och medlem i Fatahs centralkommitté Sultan Abu Al-Einein ger i en intervju sitt stöd till attackerna.

Abbas' advisor: "Those who seek knives today, will seek rifles tomorrow" (PMW)

"Those seeking knives today 
will seek rifles and weapons tomorrow"

The "uprising" should develop 
"in a way that will make the Israeli enemy's presence
on our land costlier and more painful"

"Blessings to all of our Martyrs, to the residents of Jerusalem who had the honor of igniting the first spark of this activity, to all those who followed in their footsteps in the rest of the homeland, and to the residents of the Hebron district, who have sown fear in all of this cancerous Israeli body. We bow before every drop of blood that has dripped from our children and women, and bow the head before every Martyr and Martyr's mother, who carried her child in her belly and brought him up until he became a young man, and when they notified her of his death as a Martyr, she let out cries of joy to the Heavens. Mothers like these will not be defeated, and this is our people about whom President Martyr Yasser Arafat said that it is 'a people of giants.'"

Therefore, the Palestinian media must present our land, our trees, our young, and our children as they actually are - victims of the imperialism that has taken over our land with weapons, and victims of the ongoing organized aggression against our Palestinian people for more than 68 years (i.e., since the creation of Israel in 1948), and we are not the ones that started the war, but rather the ones legitimately protecting ourselves.

[Falestinona, website of Fatah's Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon, Jan. 16, 2016]

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