fredag 18 mars 2016

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) gör bort sig

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) har fördömt Israels "brutala attack mot den fria pressen". Vad har Israels gjort? Jo Israels stängde TV/radiostationen Palestine Today. En station som drivs av terroristorganisationen Islamisk Jihad (organisationen betraktas som terroristorganisation av bl.a. EU, USA, Kanada och Australien) och som i sina program uppmanade till våldsdåd.
Enligt IFJ betyder alltså pressfriheten att terrororganisationer skall ha frihet att sprida sitt hatbudskap och uppmana till våldsdåd, åtminstone om man riktar det mot Israel.

Journalist Group Defends ‘Incitement to Murder’ (Honest Reporting)
"Israeli Member of Knesset and long-time professional journalist Yair Lapid explained in a statement to the IFJ that:

Freedom of the press does not extend to terrorist propaganda and to those who incite to murder. The content on Palestine Today would not pass the editorial guidelines of any of your members. I was a journalist for over three decades; this isn’t journalism. This isn’t free speech, this is hate speech. You are not defending press freedom; you are defending incitement to murder."

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