tisdag 5 juli 2016

Värt att notera: Det finns ljusglimtar i mörkret.

Det var ett palestinskt par som först hjälpte de judiska terroroffren senaste vecka.
I och för sig bara vanlig mänsklig omsorg men det är vad som så ofta saknas.

Palestinian describes aiding settler family hit by shooting attack (The Times of Israel)
Responding to a comment on Facebook that railed at the “murdering Arab scumbags,” Chavi Mark’s sister, Yisca, was quick to point out that a Palestinian couple helped her family.

“I really need to tell you that the first ones at the scene were an Arab couple who rescued my family members, gave first aid and called the ambulance,” she wrote back. “I think that we should use the term terrorists and not Arabs, because not all Arabs are terrorists, and I’m saying this from experience...
...At Rabbi Mark’s funeral on Sunday, his children silenced mourners who shouted for “revenge.” “Whoever wants to scream nonsense should leave,” one of them said. “This wasn’t what Abba [father] wanted. We are focusing on his memory and on doing good. He had Arab friends.”.

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