måndag 27 februari 2017

Abbas talade inför UNHRC

Mahmoud Abbas som i praktiken är diktator (eller vad skall man kalla en president som sitter kvar år efter år trots att mandatperioden gått ut) för de palestinska självstyrelseområdena inledde som första talare FN:s mänskorättsråds (UNHRC) 34:de session i Geneve.
Det är en beskrivande situation, både Abbas och rådet har som ett av sina främsta mål att svartmåla Israel.
"Fred i världen kan uppnås om tvåstatslösningen förverkligas...." sade Abbas.Han krävde också att FN upprättar en mekanism för att skydda palestinierna.
Jepp... mannen som betalar lön åt terrorister som mördar judar talar inför FN och kräver beskydd. Det är den värld vi lever i i dag.


Abbas rejects regional approach, ‘temporary solutions’ to conflict (The Times of Israel)
"Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan called Abbas’s demand for a list of Israeli companies “a new record of hypocrisy.”
“[On] the same stage where he warns against unilateral actions, he is also calling on the UN to create a blacklist to encourage boycotts against Israel… It is incumbent upon our friends around the world to make the Palestinians understand — there will be a price to the campaign of incitement and delegitimization against Israel.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon similarly criticized Abbas’s remarks at the UNHRC.

“In the peak of hypocrisy, Abbas and the Human Rights Council have joined together in a campaign of incitement against Israel. It is no surprise that this Council, which has long been divorced from reality, has chosen once again to provide a platform for Palestinian smears against us,” said Danon."

PLO sändebud i Teheran ber till Allah att Iran skall producera 1000 atombomber
PLO’s Tehran envoy says he hopes Iran will produce 1,000 nukes
During the interview, Zawawi also said Israel is part of a “Western enterprise” whose “goal is to establish the Greater Israel, which would control disintegrated Arab and Islamic countries.”

“This way, our enemy, along with its defenders and masters, would complete their plan to turn us into servants, if not slaves, in this region, and to plunder our resources,” he said, adding that “this is happening today in our Islamic world.”

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