torsdag 16 februari 2017

Fatah ledare säger att palestinierna har rätt att använda terror

Av nån underlig orsak betraktas inte Fatah och PLO som terroristorganisationer trots att de understöder terrorism och till och med betalar lön åt terrorister som fängslats av Israel.
Nabil Shaath en av ledarna inom Fatah säger i en intervju att palestinierna har rätt att föra en väpnad kamp för att befria sitt hemland. (väpnad kamp är de ord man använder för att beskriva terrorattacker)

Fatah official: Palestinians have "right" to use terror to "liberate our homeland"

"A senior Fatah leader, Nabil Shaath, said three times in a short interview that the Palestinians have a right to use "armed struggle," the Palestinian euphemism for terror. In fact Shaath said that this right is "indisputable." [Fatah-run Awdah TV, The Story of a Photograph, Jan. 23, 2017]

According to Shaath, the goal of using violence is to "liberate our homeland," after which a "Palestinian Arab democratic state" will exist, and Jews, Muslims and Christians will live in "Palestine" together. 

The fundamental condition under which the PLO and Fatah, the movement headed by Mahmoud Abbas, were taken off the list of terror organizations was that they had committed to giving up terror. This statement by a senior Fatah leader contradicts the PLO's commitment and is a reiteration that Fatah has never attempted to fulfill the terms for which it was removed from the list of terror organizations. As Shaath said, Fatah claims that violence against Israel, including the killing of Israeli civilians, is legitimate "resistance. ..." 

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