torsdag 6 juli 2017

Hamas fortsätter som förr i Gaza

Hamas nya ledare  Ismail Haniyeh  prisade i sitt första tal som ledare för organisationens politiska del de förbättrade relationerna med Egypten som kommer att lätta på blockaden av Gaza. Samtidigt betonade han att Hamas står fast vid sitt mål att befria hela "Palestina".
Haniyeh tackade också Turkiet, Iran, Qatar och BDS rörelsen för deras stöd.

Hamas leader hails turning of ‘new page’ with Egypt (The Times of Israel)
"With all the Palestinian factions united, 'the occupier could be eliminated,' says terror chief"

En undersökning visar att Abbas inte har något stort stöd av folket för sina försök att genom olika former av påtryckningar få Hamas att avstå från makten i Gaza.

Palestinians overwhelmingly oppose Abbas pressure on Gaza(The Times of Israel)
Since April, Abbas has cut funds for Israeli-supplied electricity to Gaza by 35 percent, reduced by one-third the salaries of tens of thousands of PA employees in Gaza, and reduced the medical budget for Gaza by a reported 90%. On Tuesday, he forced over 6,000 PA employees Gaza into early retirement.
A poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that 84% of Palestinians oppose cutting the electricity and 88% oppose reducing the salaries to government employees.

Abbas’s government has admitted these measures are aimed at forcing Hamas to give up control in Gaza, which it took over in a violent conflict with the PA-controlling Fatah party in 2007.

The poll found that 78% think the strategy will be ineffective in forcing Hamas to cede control. Only 13% said the measures will work. ...

... The poll found that the Hamas-Dahlan deal is far more popular in Gaza, where 61% support it, than in the West Bank, where only 29% were in favor.

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