fredag 8 september 2017

Internationella Röda Korsets ordförande ser bosättningarna som det stora problemet

Internationella Röda Korsets ordförande Peter Maurer har besökt Israel och de palestinska områdena. Han ser de judiska bosättningarna i judarnas urgamla hemland i Judéen och Samarien som ett av de största problemen i relation till palestinierna och det är enligt honom bosättningarna som förorsakar största delen av de problem som den palestinska befolkningen möter.

Det är sorgligt med blinda ledare, de må då vara politiker eller företräda organisationer.

Red Cross chief blasts settlements as ‘key humanitarian challenge’ (The Times of Israel)

“The settlement enterprise goes against the provisions and the spirit of international humanitarian law, the law of occupation, as we call it,” Maurer said at a press conference in East Jerusalem.

Maurer said settlements were “a key factor” in humanitarian challenges facing the Palestinians.

“We witness it daily in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem: it has enormous impact on people, on their freedom of movement, the social and economic fabric in the territories. It offers limited access to agricultural and other productive lands, has curtailed educational and employment opportunity; it makes water resource and water supply systems difficult for Palestinian communities. And the list could go on and on,” he said.

The statement echoed Palestinian grievances about settlements as detrimental to day-to-day life and a significant hardship for them. An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson declined to respond to Maurer’s accusations.

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